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Why I Don’t Rank in Google? Free eCommerce SEO Audit in 5 Easy Steps (2025 Update)

Why I Don't Rank in Google? Free eCommerce SEO Audit in 5 Easy Steps (2025 Update) -

Did you know that global e-commerce sales are expected to reach 7.4 trillion dollars by 2025? Given this huge potential, optimizing your store for search engines is crucial. But how do you get started?

This detailed guide will take you through a free SEO audit for e-commerce. You’ll learn the key steps to improve your online store’s ranking in search results, traffic and customer conversions. Are you eager to discover the secrets that could revolutionize your online business? Then let’s start exploring!

Imagine if you could identify and fix the technical issues that are preventing your website from ranking well in the SERPs. The most important thing is that your product pages are designed to convert and enable a smooth checkout process. And what tactics can you adopt from leading competitors to stay on top?

Create an image showcasing an eCommerce website audited for search engine optimization. The image should feature a magnifying glass zooming in on the website, highlighting areas that need improvement. Various graphs and charts should also be displayed around the website, indicating data and analysis. The color scheme should be modern and clean, with shades of blue and green tying everything together.

After this audit, you’ll have a detailed plan to boost your online store’s visibility, traffic, and sales. Ready to kick-off your journey to ecommerce triumph? Let’s begin!

Evaluate Your Site’s Mobile-Friendliness

With more than 60% of Google searches coming from mobile devices, it’s crucial that your website looks good on mobile. Google now considers the mobile version of your website for both mobile and desktop search results. This puts mobile-friendliness at the forefront of good website practice. It is important to ensure that your website displays well on mobile devices.

Google offers a free tool that you can use to test how mobile-friendly your website is. You can enter the URL of your website and receive a detailed report on its mobile-friendliness. This analysis will show you areas that need improvement and help you to improve your website’s performance.

Tool NameDescriptionLink
Google Mobile-Friendly TestQuick and easy test directly from Google.Google Mobile-Friendly Test
Bing Mobile Friendliness TestMicrosoft’s mobile-friendly test for web pages.Bing Mobile Friendliness Test
GTmetrixAnalyze your site’s performance including mobile-friendliness.GTmetrix
PageSpeed InsightsGoogle’s tool to measure the performance on mobile and desktop.PageSpeed Insights
BrowserStackComprehensive tool for live and automated mobile testing.BrowserStack
TestMySiteGoogle’s tool for mobile site speed and performance testing.TestMySite
WebPageTestDetailed performance testing for mobile and desktop.WebPageTest
MobileTest.meSimulates various mobile devices to test
Responsive Design CheckerChecks the responsiveness of your site on different devices.Responsive Design Checker
CrossBrowserTestingOffers live testing across a wide range of mobile devices.CrossBrowserTesting

Key Elements to Consider

  • Responsive Design: Make sure your site adapts well to different screen sizes and devices.
  • Page Load Speed: Speed up your site so users have a great experience from the first click.
  • Content Accessibility: Ensure your content is easy to read and navigate on small screens.
  • Mobile-Specific Features: Add features like click-to-call buttons and easy-to-use forms for a better mobile experience.

Addressing these key points can significantly improve your site’s mobile experience. A well-optimized mobile site can lead to better user satisfaction, higher search rankings, and more organic traffic. It is an essential step in thriving in the dynamic digital era.

Ensure Proper Website Canonicalization

Efficient eCommerce SEO requires thorough attention to website canonicalization. This refers to ensuring that variations of your website, such as www vs non-www or HTTP vs HTTPS, are recognized as one. It’s vital to avoid treating these versions as distinct, as it may cause issues with duplicate content. Such problems could damage your standing in search engine results.

Addressing this involves setting up 301 redirects to guide search engines to the preferred version of your site. A 301 redirect is a directive that informs search engines to forward all authority and SEO value to the chosen canonical URL.

Tool NameDescriptionLink
Screaming Frog SEO SpiderDesktop program that crawls websites to check for SEO issues, including canonical tags.Screaming Frog SEO Spider
AhrefsComprehensive SEO tool that includes a site audit feature to check canonical issues.Ahrefs
SEMrushOffers a site audit feature to detect canonicalization problems.SEMrush
Moz ProProvides site audits to uncover canonical and other SEO issues.Moz Pro
SitebulbDesktop-based website crawler that checks for canonicalization and other SEO issues.Sitebulb
DeepCrawlCloud-based crawler for comprehensive site audits, including canonicalization.DeepCrawl (Ryte)Analyzes your website for technical SEO issues, including canonical tags.Ryte
Google Search ConsoleFree tool from Google to check for indexing issues, including canonicalization.Google Search Console
ScrepyAI-based SEO tool that includes site audits to check for canonical issues.Screpy
SEOptimerProvides a detailed SEO audit that includes checking canonical tags.SEOptimer

These tools should help you identify and resolve canonicalization issues on your site, enhancing your SEO performance.

  1. Begin by identifying every version of your website indexed by Google, including http://yoursite.comhttps://yoursite.com, and
  2. Select the primary version of your site. Likely, this will be the HTTPS version with the “www” subdomain, favored for its security and user appeal.
  3. Next, ensure 301 redirects are in place from all other versions to your chosen canonical version. You can effect these changes in your server settings or with a suitable plugin or tool based on your website’s CMS.

Proper canonicalization guarantees search engines view your eCommerce website holistically. This step is pivotal for enhancing website canonicalization301 redirects, and HTTP vs HTTPS settings for optimal performance.

Canonical URLRedirect to

Optimize Site Speed

If you want to be successful in eCommerce, optimizing website speed is crucial. Research shows that slow loading websites can significantly reduce user satisfaction. This leads to more visitors leaving your website and ultimately less sales. Website speed also has a significant impact on how well a website ranks in search engines, including Google.

Tool NameDescription
Google PageSpeed InsightsAnalyzes the content of a web page and provides suggestions to make that page faster.
GTmetrixProvides detailed insights on how well your site loads and offers actionable recommendations.
PingdomMonitors your site’s performance and provides detailed reports and suggestions for improvement.
WebPageTestRuns speed tests from multiple locations around the world and provides detailed results.
LighthouseOpen-source tool for auditing the performance (including speed), accessibility, and more.
YSlowAnalyzes web pages and suggests ways to improve their performance based on a set of rules.
UptrendsMonitors website performance from multiple locations worldwide and provides detailed reports.
DareBoostOffers a comprehensive website analysis with a focus on performance and best practices.
New RelicProvides real-time performance monitoring and management for web applications.
SpeedCurveFocuses on front-end performance and provides continuous monitoring and insights.

To improve the speed of your eCommerce website, you should first check your HTML page using Google’s PageSpeed Insights. This will help you determine which areas you need to improve. Common measures include compressing images, reducing the size of CSS and JavaScript files and using browser caching.

Compress images for faster loading

Slow loading times are often due to images on eCommerce websites. Use image compression tools to fix the problem. Here are a few great options that allow you to reduce the file size of images without compromising their quality.

Tool NameDescription
TinyPNGUses smart lossy compression techniques to reduce the file size of your PNG and JPEG images.
ImageOptimMac app that compresses images without losing quality by finding the best compression parameters.
Kraken.ioAn online image optimizer that offers both lossy and lossless compression modes.
JPEG-OptimizerFree online tool to compress and resize your photos.
OptimizillaOnline image optimizer that uses a smart combination of the best optimization and lossy compression algorithms.
Compressor.ioReduces the size of your images while maintaining high quality, with both lossy and lossless options.
ShortPixelA powerful image compression tool that works via a web interface, plugins, or API.
SquooshA web app by Google that compresses and compares images right in your browser.
EWWW Image OptimizerA WordPress plugin that automatically optimizes images as you upload them to your site.
ImagifyImage compression tool that offers three levels of compression: normal, aggressive, and ultra.

These tools can help you reduce image file sizes, improving your website’s loading speed and overall performance.

This tactic can significantly increase the loading speed of your website and improve both website speed optimization and website performance.

Upgrade to Premium Hosting

If your website is still sluggish after these optimizations, consider switching to a premium hosting service. Upgrading can significantly improve the speed and performance of your website. Look for hosting providers that offer SSD storage, content delivery networks (CDNs) and advanced caching systems for the best results.

Investing time in a comprehensive review of your website’s speed will benefit you in more ways than one. Not only will it make visitors happier, it will also make the search engines happier. This double improvement is likely to increase sales and make your online activities a success.

Identify and Remove Zombie Pages

In eCommerce, zombie pages act as a secretive threat. They include archive pages, category pages, and those lacking in value. These pages can harm your site’s quality and how it appears in search results.

Experts often find websites with 50-75% more pages indexed than owners realize. This issue, labeled “zombie pages,” reduces a site’s effectiveness. For instance, one study saw a website’s traffic jump nearly 50% after removing 9,000 of these pages.

Identifying Zombie Pages

The first step in tackling zombie pages is identification. These are pages that see quick exits, low interaction time, and scant external visits. Analytical tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz are key in locating these troublesome entries.

  • Orphan Pages: Pages with no internal links, making them hard for search engines to discover and users to navigate to.
  • Dead Pages: Pages with broken links or no longer serving any purpose.
  • Annex Pages: Pages containing legal information or other supplementary content that don’t directly drive conversions.
  • Low-Quality Content Pages: Pages with thin, duplicate, or irrelevant content that fail to provide value to users.

Deleting zombie pages can greatly elevate your website’s searchability and the user experience it provides.

Optimizing Zombie Pages

If your strategy is to retain some zombie pages, the focus should be on enhancement. This means checking and updating content, linking to more vital pages, and improving overall user experience.

Dealing with zombie pages effectively is a crucial move for enhancing your eCommerce SEO and attracting better-suited visitors to your digital storefront.

Fix Indexing Issues

In search engine optimization (SEO), the correct indexing of your website by search engines is of crucial importance. Indexing issues can reduce the visibility of your website and affect your organic search ranking. To get these problems under control, you need to follow some important steps.

Start with Google Search Console to track down pages that are not indexed correctly. This tool offers deep insights into the crawlability of your website. It can help you fix blockages or noindex tags on some pages.

In addition, it is beneficial to use a tool like Screaming Frog to crawl the website. This thorough check will uncover crawl errors, robots.txt issues or technical obstacles. These could prevent search engines from fully indexing your content.

Once you’ve identified these indexing issues, it’s time to take action. Fix any technical issues, make sure your robots.txt is set correctly, and take care of pages with noindex tags. By fixing these issues, you’ll help improve your website’s indexing for search engines, leading to more visibility and more organic traffic.

Remember that a well-indexed website is the key to successful SEO. By addressing and fixing any indexing issues, you pave the way for better search engine results.

Analyze Organic Traffic Trends

It’s vital to track your organic traffic in Google Analytics. This step helps set benchmarks and highlights areas for growth. By studying your organic traffic data over the last 6-8 months, you can find key insights. These can propel your ecommerce SEO strategy.

Tool NameDescription
Google AnalyticsComprehensive analytics tool that tracks and reports website traffic, including organic traffic.
SEMrushOffers in-depth analysis of organic traffic trends, keyword rankings, and competitor insights.
AhrefsProvides detailed organic search traffic data, backlink profiles, and keyword performance analysis.
Moz ProAnalyzes your site’s organic traffic, keyword rankings, and link metrics to help improve SEO strategy.
SimilarWebOffers insights into your site’s organic traffic and compares it with competitors’ traffic trends.
SerpstatProvides data on organic traffic, keyword positions, and competitors’ performance in search results.
UbersuggestA free tool that shows organic traffic trends, keyword ideas, and site audit information.
SpyFuAnalyzes your competitors’ organic traffic and keywords, providing valuable insights for your strategy.
Mangools (KWFinder)Tracks keyword performance and organic traffic trends, offering insights to boost SEO efforts.
Google Search ConsoleFree tool from Google that shows how your site performs in organic search and provides detailed analytics.

These tools can help you gain valuable insights into your organic traffic trends, enabling you to refine your SEO strategies and improve your website’s performance.

To begin, go to the Acquisition > All Traffic > Channels report in Google Analytics. Here, you’ll get an in-depth look at your website’s various traffic sources. Be sure to examine how your organic search channel is performing closely. Look at the metrics for:

  • Organic Sessions: How many sessions started from organic search results.
  • Organic Users: The unique users who found your site via organic search.
  • Organic Bounce Rate: The percentage of organic visitors that leave after one page.
  • Organic Conversion Rate: The rate of organic visitors who complete a goal, like buying something.

By digging into these metrics, you set a standard for your website. You can spot any big shifts or patterns. This insight guides you to optimize areas like page speed, content quality, and technical SEO.

Use Google Analytics to track your organic traffic analysis. Setting and monitoring traffic benchmarks is key. They inform smart, data-backed decisions and support the lasting growth of your e-commerce business.

Visualize the concept of “organic traffic analysis” with a futuristic twist. Incorporate bright colors and geometric shapes to depict the flow of website visitors’ activity. Use arrows and graphs to show the upward trend of traffic over time. Include an abstract representation of search engine algorithms working behind the scenes to optimize the website’s visibility.

Enhance On-Page SEO

Enhancing your key pages is vital for an ecommerce operation to boost organic traffic and sales. This entails infusing your SEO strategy into your titles, descriptions, and content. By adopting a methodical approach, you’ll refine your site’s keyword optimization, adapt LSI keywords, and streamline the use of internal and external links for better online exposure.

Optimize Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Begin by optimizing the title tags and meta descriptions on your essential pages with your main keywords. These parts are key for search rankings and attracting clicks. It’s important to create compelling yet brief descriptions that are keyword dense. This step will not only improve rankings but also entice more relevant visitors to your site.

Leverage Heading Structure

Use your H1, H2, and H3 tags to structure your content and communicate its importance to search engines. Make sure the main keyword is in the H1 tag. Then, utilize the rest of the headings to smoothly segment your material. This approach makes your page structure more SEO-friendly.

Incorporate LSI Keywords

Besides the primary keywords, integrate LSI keywords to give your content depth. These terms, closely related to your topics, offer search engines a richer understanding of your page’s context. This, in turn, can augment your site’s position in search results and the user’s eyes.

Optimize Internal and External Linking

Internal links optimize the crawlability of your website for search engines and make navigation easier for users. At the same time, backlinks from reputable websites can increase the trustworthiness of your website for search algorithms. Work to strategically place relevant internal links and aim for backlinks from credible sources in your industry. This dual link strategy can significantly improve your website’s SEO.

Following these detailed SEO practices for your website will result in greater exposure and better search engine performance. Such progress can attract more visitors and ultimately increase your sales.

Set Up Keyword Rank Tracking

It’s important to track your keyword rankings to get a detailed insight into your eCommerce SEO performance.

Tool NameDescription
AhrefsProvides accurate keyword rank tracking along with detailed insights into keyword performance.
SEMrushComprehensive SEO tool that includes robust keyword rank tracking features.
Moz ProTracks keyword rankings over time and provides insights on search visibility.
SERPWatcherPart of the Mangools suite, it offers easy-to-use keyword rank tracking.
Rank TrackerDesktop software that tracks keyword rankings and provides customizable reports.
AccuRankerSpecialized tool for fast and accurate keyword rank tracking with in-depth analysis.
SerpstatTracks keyword rankings and offers detailed analytics on keyword performance.
UbersuggestFree tool that tracks keyword rankings and provides additional SEO insights.
SE RankingComprehensive SEO software with powerful keyword rank tracking capabilities.
NightwatchAdvanced rank tracker that offers detailed keyword performance monitoring and reporting.

This will help you identify opportunities to improve your visibility in search. SEMrush is a top-notch tool for this task, allowing you to monitor your rankings for keywords and discover new terms.

These tools will help you monitor your keyword rankings, enabling you to adjust your SEO strategies for better search visibility and performance.


SEMrush enables a comprehensive keyword-tracking campaign that spans the globe. It supports 28 countries and provides insights into your SEO efforts worldwide. Such comprehensive tracking is a boon for online stores targeting different markets.

SEMrush’s keyword rank tracking is both fast and easy to use – perfect for SEO professionals on the go. It allows you to quickly check your keyword positions and monitor your website’s performance in search results.

In addition, SEMrush also offers the Exceptional Ranking Opportunities feature in its range of free SEO tools. For eCommerce businesses, this means a cost-effective way to improve their online presence without having to spend a lot of money.

Leveraging Keyword Rank Tracking for eCommerce SEO

By utilizing SEMrush for keyword rank tracking, you gain insights that can bolster your eCommerce SEO efforts. Here’s a look at its benefits:

  • Monitor your rankings for target keywords and identify fluctuations over time.
  • Discover new ranking opportunities by analyzing your current keyword positions and search volume data.
  • Conduct competitor analysis to understand how your rankings compare to industry leaders.
  • Align your content and optimization efforts with user search intent to improve your SERP visibility.
  • Measure the impact of your SEO initiatives and track the return on investment (ROI) of your efforts.

Integrating keyword rank tracking in your eCommerce SEO strategy helps you stay ahead. You can keep pace with the dynamic digital landscape with informed decisions and ongoing improvements.

Geographical CoverageSupports tracking rankings in 28 countries, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, and more.
Ease of UseDesigned to be fast and user-friendly, allowing for efficient daily rank monitoring.
PricingOffered as part of the suite of free SEO tools, providing a cost-effective solution.
Additional FunctionalitiesIncludes features like Backlink Checker, Keyword Finder, and SERP Checker for comprehensive eCommerce SEO analysis.

Evaluate Your Backlink Profile

An eCommerce SEO audit is incomplete without a detailed look at the backlink profile of your website. Backlinks, i.e. hyperlinks from external websites that point to your own website, have a significant impact on the domain authority of your website and its ranking in search. By evaluating the number and quality of backlinks, as well as the variety of referring domains and domain authority, you can identify areas for improvement. This analysis allows you to strengthen your digital footprint.

Analyze Backlink Quantity and Quality

To begin, employ a backlink analysis tool, like Ahrefs or Majestic, to amass in-depth details on your backlinks. Focus on metrics such as the volume of backlinks, the standing of referring domains (evaluated by Domain Authority and Trust Flow), and the context of anchor texts. This step lays the groundwork for a comprehensive understanding of your backlink profile.

  • Aim for a high percentage of backlinks from authoritative, relevant websites in your industry.
  • Identify any spammy or low-quality backlinks, known as “toxic links,” and consider disavowing them to maintain a healthy backlink profile.
  • Monitor your backlink growth over time to ensure a steady, organic increase in high-quality links.

Evaluate Referring Domains and Domain Authority

In addition to scrutinizing individual backlinks, it’s vital to consider the volume of distinct referring domains and your domain authority. Referring domains represent the unique sites backing your content, offering search engines a barometer of your credibility and topical relevance.

MetricYour WebsiteIndustry Average
Referring Domains11289
Domain Authority5845

Comparing your referring domains and domain authority to industry standards reveals potential for improving your backlink strategy. This process aims to increase the visibility of your website on the internet.

Building a diverse, high-quality backlink profile is fundamental to improving your eCommerce website’s position in search engine results. It not only strengthens the credibility of your website, but also drives more interested visitors to your digital storefront.

Conduct a free eCommerce SEO Audit

As an ecommerce business owner, routinely checking your online store’s performance and optimization is vital. A free eCommerce SEO audit offers insights into how to enhance your search engine rankings, user experience, and sales.

Tool NameDescription
Google Search ConsoleFree tool from Google that provides insights into your site’s search performance and issues.
UbersuggestOffers a free site audit feature that covers SEO issues, keyword performance, and more.
SEOptimerFree SEO audit tool that provides detailed reports on on-page and technical SEO.
WooRankProvides a free website review that covers various SEO factors, including eCommerce specifics.
SEO Site CheckupOffers a free analysis of your site’s SEO health, focusing on key SEO metrics.
Varvy SEO ToolProvides a free SEO audit that covers technical SEO aspects, including eCommerce factors.
NibblerFree tool that audits websites for SEO, accessibility, and more, including eCommerce sites.
SitecheckerOffers a free website audit to identify SEO issues and opportunities for improvement.
Ahrefs Webmaster ToolsFree tools that provide SEO analysis, including backlink profiles and organic search data.
MySiteAuditorProvides a free SEO audit specifically designed for eCommerce sites and SEO agencies.

These tools can help you perform a thorough SEO audit for your eCommerce site, identifying areas for improvement and optimization.

Here’s a detailed guide on auditing your online store for SEO.

Evaluate Your Site’s Fundamental Features

First, ensure your website can meet your business goals. It should have:

  • Robust content management capabilities
  • Effective promotion and discount code tools
  • An easy-to-use checkout process
  • Search engine optimized code and layout
  • Comprehensive reporting and analytics tools
  • An integrated blog or articles section
  • Email marketing features or integration
  • Multiple payment options for customers
  • The ability to scale and add new features
  • Robust security measures to protect users

These features are crucial for a successful SEO audit.

Analyze Your Site’s Performance

Dive into metrics to understand your website’s performance. Ask questions like:

  1. How many visits did your site get last month?
  2. Why didn’t more people visit?
  3. What can you do to boost your rankings?
  4. Which product pages need fixing?
  5. Why are the conversion rates low?
  6. Is there a technical issue with Google?

Analyzing these metrics unveils areas for enhancement. Thus, you can formulate a plan to better your SEO outcomes.

Leverage Professional Expertise

Think about working with a top-notch ecommerce SEO agency like TheeCommerce to conduct a comprehensive online store audit. Their experts can provide you with insights and recommendations that will improve your search engine rankings, user experience and conversion rates.

A recent audit conducted by TheeCommerce increased Wild West Pool Supplies’ sales by 434% and website sessions by 216% year-on-year. Professional support can really transform your ecommerce business.

Remember that regular ecommerce audits should be part of your annual marketing strategy. This will keep your website in tune with changing algorithms and customer preferences. This will help you stay competitive and increase your online sales.

Competitor Analysis

Conducting an in-depth competitor analysis is vital for your eCommerce SEO efforts. It involves identifying your top opponents in search results. Then, you delve into their strategies to find ways to stand out and improve your ranking.

Begin by utilizing tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs for your research. Focus on your competitor analysis and serp competitors. Also, look into their successful keyword research. This will shed light on their content strategy and backlink profile.

By studying these aspects, you comprehend their success. This understanding helps you figure out your path to improvement. It allows you to craft a more strategic SEO plan to surpass them online.

  1. Identify your top SERP competitors: Utilize keyword research tools to find who ranks higher than you for your key terms.
  2. Analyze their keyword strategy: Look into the keywords they use and how they integrate them into their content.
  3. Evaluate their content approach: Focus on the content types, topics, and styles they employ to attract their users.
  4. Assess their backlink profile: Check their backlinks’ quality and quantity, aiming to match or exceed them with your own links.
  5. Benchmark your technical SEO: Compare your technical site aspects against your competitors. This process highlights areas needing enhancement.

Through knowing your competitor analysis, you can strengthen your serp competitors and keyword research. This enhanced comprehension empowers you to refine your content strategy and backlink profile. It ultimately aids in developing a superior SEO approach to beat them in search results.


Congratulations on completing your comprehensive eCommerce SEO audit! Following the steps outlined in this guide is an important step towards optimizing your online store. This optimization aims to increase its visibility and improve its performance in search engine results.

Indeed, SEO is a never-ending journey. Regular audits are essential to keep your website at the top. Continuously monitor the behavior of your organic traffic, fix any technical SEO deficiencies and refine your on-page strategy. Make the most of tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Ahrefs and SEMrush. They provide important insights to help you make informed decisions.

If you have developed a solid SEO strategy for e-commerce, you are now in a position to attract more targeted visitors. This strategy should also increase your conversion rate and grow your online business. Stay true to this process and the results you want will come. Good luck with your eCommerce endeavors!


What is a free eCommerce SEO audit?

An in-depth free eCommerce SEO audit looks into your online store’s search visibility, user experience, and conversions. It aims to find ways to boost your search engine ranking. A 15-step checklist dives into your site’s mobile compatibility, site speed, and more. It checks indexing issues, analyzes your organic traffic, and suggests SEO for individual pages.

Why is mobile SEO important for eCommerce sites?

With 60% of searches on Google from mobile devices, mobile SEO stands as a prime concern today. Google’s Mobile-First Algorithm makes the mobile site version key, even for desktop searches. This makes optimizing for mobile vital. You can use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool to see if your site is up to par.

How can I fix website canonicalization issues?

Google might index different URL versions of your site separately without proper redirection. For instance, it could index http and https variants separately. This can impact your site’s SEO negatively. To fix, check all versions of your URL and create 301 redirects to the one you prefer.

How can I optimize my eCommerce site’s speed?

Site speed influences your rank and user experience, making it a significant factor. To better your site speed, start by tidying up your site’s HTML. Utilize tools like PageSpeed Insights. For testing, or GTMetrix are excellent choices. Don’t forget to compress images. The audit also suggests investing in premium hosting.

What are “Zombie Pages” and why should I delete them?

Zombie Pages are those of little value like archive and thin content pages. They often inflate your page count without offering beneficial content. Cutting them out can actually increase your site’s Google traffic. Despite common belief, more content doesn’t always enhance your site. The audit supports this action and makes the process clearer.

How can I fix indexing issues on my eCommerce site?

The audit checklist suggests performing a Google Search Console check. This will unveil which pages Google is overlooking. Additionally, a tool like Screaming Frog can pinpoint pages that are not indexing correctly. It’s a crucial step to ensure Google indexes your site effectively.

How do I analyze organic traffic trends for my eCommerce site?

Analyzing your organic traffic with Google Analytics over a 6- to 8-month period is crucial. This allows you to spot trends and set benchmarks. It’s essential for spotting areas needing improvement, even if your traffic seems steady or decreasing.

How do I improve the on-page SEO of my eCommerce site?

For on-page SEO, the audit suggests focusing on the five crucial pages the most. Incorporate keywords into the tag, description, and content. Add LSI keywords, and include internal and external links. Follow the best practices for on-page SEO. This strategy should help boost these pages’ rankings.

How can I set up keyword rank tracking for my eCommerce site?

The audit proposes using SEMrush, a tool for tracking keyword ranks. It automates the search for both tracked and untracked keywords you rank for. This method helps spot new SEO opportunities and keeps track of your progress.

How do I evaluate my eCommerce site’s backlink profile?

Analyzing your backlink profile is essential for SEO. It involves checking the number and quality of backlinks. Also, review domains and Domain Authority. Look for harmful links with bad anchor text and remove them if needed. This practice can safeguard your SEO.

How do I conduct a competitor analysis for my eCommerce site?

Understanding your competitors’ SEO strategies is key to identifying your own strengths and weaknesses. The audit recommends examining your top SERP rivals. Study their keywords, content strategies, and backlinks. This way, you can find ways to surpass them in search ranking.

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